The Future is here & it’s ELECTRIC!

Published on Apr 03, 2017
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When the most sought-after carmaker in the world, Ferrari introduced the LaFerrari – the jaw-dropping electric hypercar, the world was awestruck. It is to date a big thing to see a fast and zippy electric car coming from the stables of Ferrari. We believe we are seeing the future of automobiles.

Electricity is the future of mobility and who better than Ferrari to make people understand this?

Some of these developments have gone unnoticed. Take the Swedes for example. Scandinavian heavy vehicles giant Scania developed the first-ever electric highway in Gävle, a revolutionary concept executed with a goal to switch over completely to non-fossil fuels by the end of 2030.

The concept is quite similar to how electric locomotives operate. There are overhead lines (on the highway, yes) and as the truck chugs along the highway it draws current from these overhead lines.

If the truck needs more hauling capacity, it runs on biofuel for the extra thump in the engine, all of this in a [green way

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This is just the stepping stone to a world free of fossil fuel transport. It is a humble start towards a day when all our roads will be abundant with trucks that are either electric or hybrid and way more eco-friendly.

The future is here, it’s time to adapt, time to give the earth what it deserves, for a long time now.

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