
Why Blowhornists Love Mondays: A Sneak Peek Into Our Work Culture

Sayantani Nath
Published on Sep 15, 2022
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On my first day at Blowhorn, I was nearly an hour late. The last thing any new employee would want to do is arrive late on their very first day at work. Wading through the infamous Bengaluru traffic, I was expecting some serious retribution.

Instead, what I received was a heartwarming welcome, without a peep about my delay. It was not until a few days later that I learned about Blowhorn’s ‘Flexible Working Hours’ policy. “You can choose the working hours that will help you focus on high-quality performance while maintaining work-life balance,” our HR manager explained with a smile. In a corporate world accustomed to 45+ hour workweeks, Blowhorn’s policy does feel like a breath of fresh air.

Working in a 24X7 industry like logistics is no cakewalk. One would expect Blowhorn employees to be under constant stress and on the verge of burnout. To my surprise, I soon discovered how Blowhornists are busting this myth daily, thanks to a number of unconventional workplace policies.

To foster a healthy work culture, the company has rolled out the ‘No Leave Restriction Policy'. It is exactly what you think it is. Employees are not restricted to a specific number of days as leaves. They can take as many leaves as they want, according to their need and convenience.

The management has done away with the traditional concepts of earned leaves or loss of pay — which often limit an employee’s professional and personal freedom. However, we are encouraged to plan our vacations ahead of time, to ensure that our team members are not overworked when we are away.

Another thing I found fascinating at Blowhorn is the complete absence of hierarchy. The company maintains an Open Door Policy, which aims to dismantle the hierarchical limitations. From CEO to CTO, all of our senior leaders are approachable anytime, without the need for prior appointments. I don’t have to worry about my ideas getting lost in the labyrinth of organizational hierarchy anymore.


As John Wooden once said, “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.” Blowhorn aims to endorse a similar ideology. While still settling in, I was told to “feel free to make mistakes.” The thought behind this is to ensure that the fear of being penalized does not hold anyone back from taking risks. At Blowhorn, the management believes in a fair working environment where employees are not harshly penalized for every little professional hiccup.

“Enjoy your freedom to make decisions, learn from your mistakes and move on,” advises the Blowhorn Employee Handbook. This is something that has made me like the work culture even more. Blowhorn believes in hiring the right candidates for the roles and giving them the space to learn and grow. Hence, we all have the autonomy to make decisions. Every employee, from junior staff to business heads, enjoys the freedom to take decisions in their respective roles.

It has been six months since I began my professional life at Blowhorn. Still, Blowhorn continues to surprise me with its unique culture and brings a smile to my face now and then. I wish there were more companies out there like Blowhorn that can make work enjoyable and satisfying instead of being a burden.


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