
Sustainability in Logistics

Published on Oct 23, 2017
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“Sustainability” is more than just a buzzword or a checkbox that organizations need to have on their To-Do lists. It is in everyone’s interest to recognize it as the need of the hour. Sustainable solutions in the logistics industry need to focus on bettering individual operations for improved efficiency of transportation. This will not only benefit the environment but also contribute to business growth. Here’s a basic hygiene check that can help to lower your carbon footprint:

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1. Mission Emission One can’t overstate the importance of the role transportation vehicles play in impacting the environment. In a bid to choose a fast means of transport, Goods Transport Services often end up opting for vehicles that may not be the most efficient, in terms of both, energy consumption as well as cost. Seeking “green” solutions in order to reduce carbon emissions must be a priority for any transportation business. Whenever you have the choice, ditch those fuel guzzlers for energy-efficient options. Vehicles with better fuel economy will not only reduce the burden on the planet but also on your pocket.

An equally crucial factor in this regard is the condition of your transport wagons. Regular checks and diligent maintenance of your fleet ensure a reduction in the release of pollutants.

2. Go that extra mile.. or not


The amount of energy your shipping operations consume is a reflection of how successfully you have been able to execute sustainability measures. It is important for transportation industry experts to take into consideration how much each mile of travel contributes to an increase in pollutants. Business managers must aim to reduce the total number of miles driven by making small changes such as planning routes effectively, clubbing shipments wherever possible, etc. These don’t seem like much, but when implemented consistently across the board, over a period of time, they’re sure to account for a sizeable drop in energy consumption.

3. Spread the Word

A little education never hurt anybody! For your sustainability program to become a success, employees need to be made aware of the benefits of making environmentally conscious choices. Regular reminders through emailers, workshops, and discussions will also help in driving home the message. These awareness initiatives can also be extended to your customer base. Start a conversation about sustainable solutions via newsletters, engage with customers on your Social Media channels, and do what it takes to get the message out there.

The road to a sustainable future is paved with widespread consciousness and efforts to bring down carbon footprint. Are you treading this path already?

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